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How Many Teeth Do Kids Have? The Answer may Surprise You!

December 14, 20228 min read

How many teeth do kids have? It can be hard to imagine your little one lacking teeth when they're not even born yet! But that's precisely what babies go through - a process of tooth development that can take up to twelve months. In this blog post, we'll discuss the teeth of babies, toddlers, and young children, their development, care, and significance. We'll also provide tips on caring for baby teeth and preventing tooth decay. With this knowledge, parents can prepare for their child's first dental visit without surprises!

How many teeth do babies have?

Most people know that kids have teeth, but few know the exact number of teeth babies have. Most babies typically have 24 teeth at birth, but this number will decline as they grow older. An infant typically has 20 teeth when they become one year old. A youngster may only have 16 or 18 teeth left by reaching adulthood. Of course, teeth are constantly being replaced as they wear away and fall out, so kids need to keep their teeth clean!

How to care for baby teeth

When your baby starts to get their first teeth, it will have been two tooth lessor a few weeks. But all teeth will fall out by the end of your baby's lifetime! There is no need to obsess about tooth decay - it usually only affects permanent teeth, and good oral hygiene can prevent it. Make sure you brush your baby's teeth at least twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and rinse them correctly after each brushing. Give them an oral health supplement such as cavities prevention drops or gum disease mouthwash if needed.

How many teeth do adults have?

As you may have guessed, teeth growth and maturation are complex processes. Despite this, there is no one correct answer regarding how many teeth adults have. The Answer may surprise you! While most adults have between 28 and 32 teeth, some may have up to 40. This is due to the teeth constantly growing and changing as a person's teeth development progresses through childhood and adulthood.

The good news is that oral health is still largely preventable with regular brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly. So, don't be afraid to ask your dentist how many teeth do kids have - it can be fun and informative simultaneously!

Caring for baby teeth

It is surprising to learn that baby teeth come in during the first few months of a baby's life. And that's not all – teeth located in the front and back of the mouth will fall out over time - this is perfectly normal! To keep baby teeth clean and healthy, it's essential to brush them twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

If your child loses a tooth, don't be alarmed. It usually happens around 6 or 7 years old. In the meantime, ensure to feed your baby plenty of milk and fluoride-free baby food, so they get the teeth and gums they need for proper oral health.

Tooth decay in baby teeth

It can be pretty scary when your child starts to develop tooth decay – especially if you're not sure why it's happening. Luckily, tooth decay in baby teeth is usually the result of poor oral hygiene. That means parents need to ensure their children brush their teeth regularly, and breastfeeding mothers should touch baby's nursing nipples frequently to help prevent tooth decay.

However, if your child has any other signs or symptoms of tooth decay, like pain when biting or drooling more than usual, they should see a dentist as soon as possible. These simple tips can help keep your child's teeth healthy and free of decay – no teeth brushing required!

Loss of baby teeth

Most of us are familiar with baby teeth falling out and being replaced by adult teeth. However, did you know that this process happens gradually over the course of several months to a year? When a child is two years old, most baby teeth are lost.

This maturation process happens in stages, and when baby teeth fall out, they're replaced by adult teeth. Contrary to popular belief, baby teeth don't play any role in tooth development or oral health. They're just temporary! So, don't be alarmed when your toddler starts losing teeth - it's all part of tooth maturation.

Permanent teeth

It is shocking to learn that kids' teeth grow in two phases - primary and permanent. Primary teeth fall out over time, but permanent teeth remain in the mouth throughout a person's lifetime. That's right; Children can go through a whole teeth-growing process in just two years! And when it comes to milk teeth, most kids lose them between the ages of 6-12 months, and their adult teeth around age 25-30. So next time your child asks you how many teeth they have, be prepared with the Answer and some interesting teeth-related trivia.

Is Baby Teeth Care Important?

Baby teeth are essential for a child's dental health. If baby teeth aren't taken care of, they can eventually decay and need to be replaced with adult teeth. Teething is also a good time to teach your child how to chew properly – this will help him avoid tooth problems. Therefore, brush your baby's teeth regularly – even when he isn't eating solid food yet! By doing all of this, you're helping your child achieve a healthy mouth and a lifetime of healthy teeth.

What Happens at the First Dental Visit?

It can be a little daunting to bring your child in for their first dental visit, but everything must go smoothly. Make sure to bring your child's teeth with you, and the dentist will complete the oral health assessment. The dentist will look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. The dentist may recommend additional tests or treatments if there are any concerns. In the end, your child will receive a summary of what was examined and discussed during the appointment. This will help you better understand your child's oral health and make future dental visits more manageable and stress-free.

Pediatric Dentists vs. Regular Dentists: What's the Difference?

If you're ever worried about your child's teeth, it's best to consult a pediatric dentist. These dentists are specially trained to treat kids and infants who may have more complex dental problems. They can also treat children if referred by a pediatric dentist, but they may be less experienced with this population. Some standard procedures pediatric dentists perform include baby tooth extraction and sealants to prevent decay in young teeth. It's essential to find a pediatric dentist familiar with your child's oral health history and development, as they are more likely to provide the best care for your child. Make sure to ask your pediatric dentist about their experience treating kids, and find one close to you so you can get the care your child needs as soon as possible!

How Early Should Children Get Dental X-Rays?

There are a lot of myths surrounding teeth and dental health. One of the most persistent is the belief that kids don't start showing teeth until they're six or seven years old. The reality is that teeth can come in as early as four or five years old, but teeth usually start to show up full-blown around six or seven years old. That's when your child's dentist can schedule their first dental x-ray. Apart from identifying any dental problems early on, the dental x-ray can also be used to check for other health issues like infections or cavities. So getting your child's dental x-ray as soon as they start school can help ensure they have healthy teeth for a lifetime!


Did you know that babies have teeth from the day they're born? In this blog, we have discussed different aspects of tooth care, from the number of teeth a baby has to tooth decay in baby teeth. We have also provided information on when and how children should get their first dental X-Ray. Read the entire blog for more information about infants' teeth!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many teeth do children under 12 have?

It is common for kids to have 32 teeth when they are 12 years of age. However, this number can change depending on a child's eating habits, oral hygiene, and health. As a result, some kids have as many as 36 teeth. When a baby first starts teething, it will lose one tooth every other day. All of their baby teeth will be gone by the time they become two years old. At this point, their permanent teeth (milk teeth) will start to form and grow - this process typically takes about 2½ years. By the end of 7th grade, most children will have all of their permanent teeth.

How many teeth does a 10-year-old have?

A 10-year-old child has 20 teeth! Teeth grow until age 18 when they reach their adult size and number.

How many teeth do 5-year-olds have?

Most 5-year-olds have around 20 teeth. Teeth come in during the growth stage between birth and about six years old.

Learn More About: Teeth whitening for kids

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MP Dentistry for Children is a dental professional dedicated to excellence in pediatric dentistry for children. Available treatments include pediatric dental cleanings, introductory exams, children’s x-rays, fluoride treatments, sealants, fillings, crowns, root canal treatments, extractions, emergency care, and more. Contact Mangum Park Dentistry for Children to set up an appointment.

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MP Dentistry for Children is a dental professional dedicated to excellence in pediatric dentistry for children. Available treatments include pediatric dental cleanings, introductory exams, children’s x-rays, fluoride treatments, sealants, fillings, crowns, root canal treatments, extractions, emergency care, and more. Contact Mangum Park Dentistry for Children to set up an appointment.

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Mon: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

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Wed: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Thurs: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Fri: 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Copyright © All Right Reserved Site Developed By GBBDigitalSEO

MP Dentistry for Children is a dental professional dedicated to excellence in pediatric dentistry for children. Available treatments include pediatric dental cleanings, introductory exams, children’s x-rays, fluoride treatments , sealants, fillings, crowns, root canal treatments, extractions, emergency care, and more. Contact Mangum Park Dentistry for Children to set up an appointment.

Office Hours

Mon: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Tues: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Wed: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Thurs: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Fri: 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

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